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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Love is in the Air!

What a marvelous photograph of a very special couple! Erin & David's wedding here at the chapel was such an honor, and we adored seeing them here again this year. Lovin' the look 'o love between these two!

Caliber Oak Wedding Homecoming016.jpg

Clouds are moving in, but they won't dampen our spirits for our special wedding during Holy Week. Things could get a little moist, but that's never stopped us before. Preparations continue, and we are so looking forward to this weekend. Anytime our favorite DJ is in the house, you know we'll have an excellent soundtrack to a party to remember!

Rocking the coffee this morning before I head to the hot tub for a dip before I work on our taxes (yikes!). Haircut today so that I can be beautiful for the wedding this weekend and also Easter Sunday festivities.

Special prayers going out to Pam and Bruce for a specific challenge they are facing... May God's blessings continue to come together to bring a resolution in His image. Blessings to all for a fun and faith-filled day today!


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