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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Another great shot from WHD...

Here's a cool picture taken by Overturf Media of our Wedding Homecoming Dinner visit. Delanie and Shawn are here for the dinner and had a chance to visit with Miss Denise and catch up on what's been happening in their lives.

Caliber Oak Wedding Homecoming3.jpg

Today, we said goodbye to our dear friend Jack Cooper and I was honored to be asked to sing at his funeral. A very upbeat and positive ceremony that really focused on his contributions as a friend, father and Christian. He will be missed, and I thought of him this evening, as I drove his former 1977 MGB convertible home from our village. God bless you, Jack!

Preparations continue for the exciting "Ann & Drew" show this weekend. This is one of those weddings that you REALLY look forward to! Great couple, fun layout, and excellent attitude. We are so blessed and fortunate to be helping such a special couple host their big day. Can't wait! In preparation, champagne glasses have been arranged, chairs put out, linens steamed, and antique plates arranged. So much fun.... The bridal courtyard looks great after a fresh mow today, and the weather is expected to be wonderful for their ceremony. Bring. It. On! Blessings to all for an excellent continuation of Holy Week!

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