Rain, with a Chance of Stencils!
Happy Friday to everyone! Started the morning off by beating the raindrops to the chapel to stencil the steps into the great room. It's so much easier seeing them with some edging, and it's fun to put the neat-shaped stencil patterns to use on the edging. Turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself! I'm just thankful I didn't make a mess everywhere... Yesterday was a busy day with lots of visitors! Monica and Michael came by to plant their beautiful Julia Child yellow rose in the Celebration Garden, and hang their very cool sign! Michael did a great job with the digging, and we finally found the "San Angelo" bar for getting rid of rocks and roots... A fun visit, and very nice to get together again.

Nichole was able to come by and pick up a few things from her big day, and it was wonderful to see her as well! The chapel is all cleaned up and looking great, and we even got to go to church last night! What a tremendous day. Hopefully, will get a little shopping in this weekend to find new treasures for the chapel, and we're going to try a piece of art we've had for many years in the bride's room. We keep thinking that it just might work....we'll see! A little more progress has been made on the entry wall/gate, and it's hard to believe that it's over 75% done! Seems like yesterday that the entrance just got started... Time flies when you're having fun! Blessings to everyone today, and don't forget....you can't control how people react.....only how YOU react to THEIR reaction!