Pretty Much Says It all...CaliberOak Style!
Nichole sent this excellent picture from her wedding day, and it made me think of how neat the flower and boot theme is, and how perfect it is for our rustically elegant chapel. Perfect fit!

Pretty busy day around here... We've already visited with Josh from VIP Security about replacing a alarm system sensor, consumed a pot of coffee, and even planted the beautiful Julia Child yellow rose in the Celebration Garden with Monica and Michael! They're sign is really cool, and it'll be posted up here in the days to come. Several other visitors today, and we are excited to have "A" and her mom here this afternoon as they consider locations for the upcoming wedding. Fun visit with Julie, Natalie and Helen last night......lots of decisions to make! Finally moved the fun chandelier from the storage room to the potting shed...(ok, it's actually in the back seat of the Cadillac....but it'll get there!) Still don't know where it'll end up, but you can be sure when it's in the right spot, it'll be GOLDEN! Blessings to everyone for an excellent day today, and PTL for our many, many gifts! Chow-ski!