Caitlyn & Corey's Excellent Adventure
Congratulations to Caitlyn and Corey on their upcoming wedding at the Chapel. A unique design and lots of experience on this end will combine to make their day lovely. Our current photograph is only of Caitlyn, but we've met Corey, and really like him! Blessings to these two as we start this journey towards their big day...

Excited to have new visitors to the chapel today, and maybe it'll be just the right bride in just the right place? That seems to have happened a few times before! We look forward to welcoming J.I. & Co. Otherwise, plan to pretty much stay inside while the blessed rain collects on the antique windowpanes today. Probably going to have to check to see if the carport is dripping down on two convertibles with their tops down, but won't put them up if I don't have too....sunny days are JUST around the corner. Blessings to all for a great day, and when it's the toughest.....forcing even the smallest smile can sometimes be the beginning of a grin in a few minutes!