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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Rachel & Jason! It's Magical, I tell ya!

We couldn't be more thrilled about the upcoming, official union between the delightful Rachel and the genuinely fun Jason! They're both very special and we're mighty excited to be having their wedding here. Stay tuned for more updates!

Rachel & Jason.jpg

In other news......spring is TRYING to be sprung, but it still just doesn't feel all that warm out there yet. It'll come! We're looking forward to Ashley and Company's visit, and happy to have a new helper around the chapel today as well. WB was here this morning installing the internet service for the ranch so that we can be connected to the internet on a regular basis, and Denise can work from home. (yay!) Never had a 'dish' on the roof before, and I think we look pretty cool! Nothing wildly major to report, otherwise, except for the announcement of a grand arrival at a very special home near here that's close to our hearts! Congratulations G&G on the big news, and we'll be counting down the days until "Baby S" makes the big debut! Blessings to all for a wonderful evening...

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