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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Wow, can you say non.stop.rain for about the last 24 hours? No complaints from this end! This is the stuff we like to drink, water the garden with and wash the limousine with in the summer, so we just don't mind when the Good Lord sends us the wet stuff. We go so many days in the summer without it! The Chapel is spic 'n span from end to end tonight in preparation for J&C's big day this weekend! The guest list has actually gone UP this week, which is pretty unusual, but not a surprise, since these two lovebirds must have zillions of admirers, and we're sure NOBODY wants to miss this love-fest! We adore this couple and can't wait for the ceremony and fun to being... Denise is even getting more water and tea glasses tomorrow to be sure we don't run out, and we're carefully counting each vintage canape and cake plate for the wedding. Miss J has picked out just the right stuff, and tables have been scrubbed, linens are being put out, and we're going down the list. We're so blessed to have these two getting hitched in our special place!

Made some soup in the chapel kitchen today for Miss Denise and two different Mexican peppers were involved. Kind of heated up the kitchen, but she's excited to try it for lunch tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing Abby soon, as she's coming out and it sounds like she's ready to book her dream wedding as well...couldn't happen to a nicer couple! :) Burning some brush tomorrow and will hopefully get a little further on other tasks as well! The place looks a little 'swampy' right now, but fortunately, we've got 3 days of sunny, 70-degree weather to dry things up before our big, outdoor ceremony coming up! Blessings to all for a tremendous Tuesday!


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