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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

CaliberOak's Newest Couple...R&J!

Well, it's been about 3 weeks in the making, but our delightful Rachel and Jason have set the date, forked over the deposit :), and picked their cake all we have to do now is get them married! Major congratulations to them both and we hear they've selected an incredible officiant for the ceremony, as well! Hoping to work the '71 Cadillac convertible into their photo ops on the big day and they're deciding on the wedding night destination... We can taste the bbq at the reception already, and love the color napkins Rachel has chosen for dinner. Fun, neat, intimate and very, very special moments await them on their excellent day at the chapel. I'd put a photo of them up here, but I have to wait until I have a better internet connection......maybe this week? Let us pray... Got to meet the groom's mom this morning, and she's an absolute delight as well. A blessed couple, all the way around!

Cleaning up from the fun wedding of Nichole and DJ today, and experimenting with floor cleaning. Figured out that the basic hot water after vaccuming is about the best bet. We've got some wedding events this year, so I know my mopping skills will get a workout as we transition between events in a very short timeframe.

Wonderfully rainy weather at the chapel today, and the boss is due home from a meeting at any to run. Blessings to everyone in internet-land, and we hope you have a smash-A-roo week! God bless YOU!


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