They're baaaaaaaack! Thank Goodness!
This is actually the second blossom I've seen this year, but the first one got kind of nasty looking from all the rain. Love these pink...
When pretty marries's ALL good!
What a wild and wet Saturday we had this weekend for Ashley and Gus' wedding, but it was MAGICAL, despite the rain that...
Some kids get ALL the cool stuff!
After Kelly saw the amazing Golden Books bird houses that Cindy and I have been creating for the past few weeks, she asked for a Pooh...
TAMUC Music Team ROCKS Fundraiser!
A truly excellent day and evening from start to finish! Denise and I were blessed to be able to host the Texas A&M University Commerce...
Pink and Green is Fresh 'n Clean!
What could be better for a happy birthday party than some bright colors? The look was actually much more vivid in person that this photo...
"Um, when you're a Caliber Oak baby, you just live larger, that's all."
Harper's baptism and first birthday extravaganza was absolutely amazing. So much fun was had by all, and she was a complete angel the...
Another Lisha's Luncheon Favorite!
It's funny how the selfie stick always makes the Cap look like he's rather confused, but we weren't confused about the fun we were having...
So dang cute, and people notice!
Can't get enough of the creative Kite Fest pins that Cindy Cashion has made! They're certainly attention grabbers, and when people stop...
Our kind of chapel romance! Semi-auto!
..."The couple that shoots together, stays together"...Well, what could possibly be more romantic than a St. Valentine's Day celebration...
The posters are here! The posters are here!
...And they look amazing! Many thanks to the talented Jordan Overturf of Overturf Media and Consulting! I was supposed to get this done...