Some grooms are just classier than others! Lol! Otto and I enjoy doing our 'monocle moments' during a key event each year! We know that we look classy, smart and vintage retro cool! Your welcome!
After looking up close at this photo, I can see where a few people said the old cap looked the "Monopoly Man" on the game box! We've...

Even if we've posted it before, we need to do it again! Scrolling through photos today brought me to this excellent shot. The message to me here was great parenting makes great brides! True Story!
So often, folks will say how sweet and wonderful the bride is during her big day. Miss Emma was certainly that, but despite her genuine...

Some girls just know how to look good sitting still. Miss EmmyLou is one of those girls! After the hailstorm trauma here, we've found spots to put cars under cover. This works perfectly for her!
A rustic barn and EmmyLou are a perfect combo. She's running great, and Laura even took a photo of her in the barn, so we know she'll be...

A tremendous performance in our beloved chapel that netted about $3,000 in fundraising! Mrs. Boss and Bev knocked it out of the park, and attendance was nearly 60 people! These events are great!
Well, I realized that Bev doesn't even get to be seen in this photo, but it's the only one I took yesterday, so we'll have to go with it. ...

A bit blurry, but the hostess and host of the chapel like to move about the dancefloor when we get the chance! Wedding Homecoming is always fun with Lance's tunes and everyone coming to visit!
Due to my propensity for ice cream, many photos of me are just not flattering. This one worked out. Not a size 2, but there are worse...