We took a little artistic license with the photo editor, but love the whole concept and look!
Ok, I guess photo editing is kind of 'cheaty', but it certainly created a vibe. Love the warm lighting, the tones and the richness of...

Will is kind of blurry here, but Megan looks good! My picture was off, but this wedding=on point!
It just couldn't have gone better! These are the words we love hearing from our brides, grooms and parents. Saturday night's...

This is pretty typical of our grooms. Creative, outdoorsy, repurposeful and weapon-related! Neat!
Garrit had the coolest lapel flowers in a long time. We've seen it before, but still love the look. It's a rifle shell casing with a...

Well, Ashley's photos are WAY better than mine, but this is the first photo of them married indoors!
Just seconds after walking back in from their beautiful, warm-ish wedding ceremony, here are Nicole and Garrit. You can hardly tell that...

Food, fun and frivolity will all be featured at the chapel this weekend! Oh, and a ceremony! :)
We've been looking forward to this weekend's wedding for quite some time. When the right bride and groom find the right place so that we...

This is a pretty neat reflective shot from the chapel entryway. Mrs. Boss caught this one!
The neat thing about all these mirrors in the chapel is how they change every minute of every day, depending on what's going on, the...

We would have to say that all those who help us make a bride and groom's day magic feel this way!
Getting to be part of the biggest day of someone's life is no small treat, and our team really lines up behind the day! Speaking of...